Battle of Rivers Bridge State Historic Site, SC

Learn more about Battle of Rivers Bridge State Historic Site, SC

The Riversbridge State Historic Site, also known as the Riversbridge State Park, near Erhard, a small town in Bamberg County, South Carolina, is an important Civil War battleground. What happened at the 

Battle of Rivers Bridge? 

The River's Bridge, south of the Bamberg district, is the scene of the civil war that took place on February 2 and 3, 1865. The battle was the only major resistance to General William T. Sherman's march through South Carolina, with about 1,200 South Armies fighting about 7,000 Union soldiers.

Why was the Battle of Rivers Bridge so important? 

It wasn't a big battle in history, but it was important because the Battle of the River Bridge represented the South Army's last defense effort against the Sherman's advance to Colombian. 

Who won the Battle of the River Plate? 

On February 2, after repelling a frontal attack along the road, the North Army was adjacent to both ends of the South Army's front, withdrawing the South Army and forcing it through the swamp. Union's victory at the Rivers Bridge gave Sherman a clear path to the capital of Colombia.


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