Learn more about Summerville, SC

The median age of the 53.6k residents of Summerville, South Carolina in 2020 was 36.7, and the median family income was $60,271. The population of Summerville, South Carolina increased by 1.14% between 2019 and 2020, from 53,037 to 53,643, while its median household income increased by 1.84%, from $59,180 to $60,271.

White (Non-Hispanic) (69.5%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (19.3%), White (Hispanic) (2.81%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (2.55%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) (1.91%) make up Summerville, South Carolina's top 5 ethnic groupings.

In Summerville, South Carolina, none of the households claimed that their primary shared language was anything other than English. Only the principal self-reported language used by all household members is taken into account here, not the potential multilingual character of households.

Americans make up 97.5% of the population of Summerville, South Carolina.

In 2020, Summerville, South Carolina, had a median property value of $215,800 and a homeownership rate of 64.5%. The majority of residents of Summerville, South Carolina commuted alone by car, taking an average of 30.2 minutes. In Summerville, South Carolina, there were typically two cars per family.

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53.6k people call Summerville, South Carolina home, of which 97.5% are citizens. In 2020, 5.39% of Summerville, South Carolina, residents were foreign-born (2.89k people).

In Summerville, South Carolina, White (non-Hispanic) residents made up 37.3k of the city's population in 2020, by 3.61 times the amount of any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 10.3k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 1.51k White (Hispanic) inhabitants.

Ethnicity and Race

In Summerville, South Carolina, White (non-Hispanic) residents made up 37.3k of the city's population in 2020, by 3.61 times the amount of any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 10.3k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 1.51k White (Hispanic) inhabitants.

Hispanics make up 5.98% of the population of Summerville, SC (3.21k people).

Population Born Abroad

2.89k persons in Summerville, South Carolina were born abroad of the country in 2020, which is less than the 13.5% national average. The proportion of foreign-born residents in Summerville, South Carolina, was 4.61% in 2019, indicating an upward trend.

By Nativity, Age

The average age of all residents in Summerville, South Carolina, in 2020 was 36.7. With a median age of 36, residents who were born in the United States were typically younger than those who were born abroad, who had a median age of 50. However, the population of Summerville, South Carolina, is aging. The average age of all residents of Summerville, South Carolina, in 2019 was 36.

Worldwide Diversity

Mexico accounted for 62,463 of South Carolina's foreign-born residents' birthplaces in 2020, followed by India with 16,261 and Honduras with 12,981 of these residents.


97.5% of Summerville, South Carolina, people were US citizens as of 2020, which is higher than the 93.4% national average. Summerville, South Carolina, had 97.5% US citizens as of 2019, indicating a declining citizenship rate.


1.66 times more military personnel from the Gulf War (2001-) reside in Summerville, South Carolina, than from any other combat.


Summerville, South Carolina's median household income is $60,271. Census Tract 108.01 in Summerville, South Carolina had the highest median household income in 2020 with a value of $125,396, followed by Census Tract 106.04 and Census Tract 108.07 with values of $87,054 and $85,848.

In South Carolina, the average income of men is $137 times greater than that of women, who earn $45,267 on average. South Carolina's income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.462, which is lower than the US average.

In Summerville, South Carolina, there are 25.9k jobs available. The three industries in Summerville, South Carolina with the highest employment levels are Utilities ($74,839), Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting ($72,717), and Health Care & Social Assistance (3,804 people), Retail Trade (3,260 people), and Manufacturing (2,592 people).


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