Learn more about Hanahan, SC

A population of 24.4k people, with a median age of 34.3 and a median family income of $70,043, lived in Hanahan, South Carolina in 2019. Hanahan, South Carolina saw a 6.05% rise in population between 2018 and 2019, from 22,963 to 24,353, and a 7.22% increase in its median family income, from $65,329 to $70,043.

White (Non-Hispanic) (68.4%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (14.4%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (4.79%), Other (Hispanic) (4.38%), and White (Hispanic) (4.27%) make up the top 5 ethnic groups in Hanahan, South Carolina. In Hanahan, South Carolina, 0% of homes have English as the only language spoken.

The citizenship rate in Hanahan, South Carolina is 94.3%.

Hanahan, South Carolina had a median home value of $228,800 in 2019 and a 66.4% homeownership rate. The majority of residents of Hanahan, South Carolina commuted alone by car, taking an average of 22.7 minutes. In Hanahan, South Carolina, there were typically two cars per family.

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Hanahan, South Carolina, has 24.4k residents, 94.3% of them are citizens. 9.71% of Hanahan, South Carolina residents were foreign-born as of 2019. (2.36k people).

White (non-Hispanic) residents made up 16.7k of the population in Hanahan, South Carolina in 2019, which was 4.75 times more than any other race or ethnicity. Black or African American (non-Hispanic) was the second and third most common ethnic group, with 3.51k and 1.17k residents, respectively.

Race and Ethnicity

White (non-Hispanic) residents made up 16.7k of the population in Hanahan, South Carolina in 2019, which was 4.75 times more than any other race or ethnicity. Black or African American (non-Hispanic) was the second and third most common ethnic group, with 3.51k and 1.17k residents, respectively.

In Hanahan, South Carolina, 9.9% of the population is Hispanic (2.41k people).

Foreign-born population

As of the year 2019, 2.36k residents in Hanahan, South Carolina, were foreign-born, which is fewer than the 13.7% national average. As of 2018, there were 9.32% foreign-born residents in Hanahan, South Carolina, a rising proportion.

By Birth and Age

The median age of the people of Hanahan, South Carolina, was 34.3 in 2019. When compared to foreign-born citizens, whose median age was 38, those who were born domestically were frequently younger. The population of Hanahan, South Carolina, is aging, though. In 2018, the general population of Hanahan, South Carolina, was 34 years old.

Global Diversity

In 2019, 64,736 of South Carolina's people with foreign birthplaces were born in Mexico, followed by 14,943 in India, and 11,181 in Honduras.


In comparison to the national average of 93.4%, Hanahan, South Carolina, had a higher citizenship rate of 94.3% as of 2019. In 2018, Hanahan, South Carolina, had 94.2% US citizens living there, a rising trend.


Veterans Hanahan, South Carolina, has 1.38 times more military personnel than any other conflict who served in the Gulf War (2001-).


The median household income in Hanahan, South Carolina, is $70,0043. Census Tracts 209.04, 209.03, and 209.01 in Hanahan, South Carolina, had the highest median household incomes in 2019 with values of $77,287, $67,304, and $43,983, respectively.

Men make an average of $43,921 in South Carolina, which is $1.37 times more than women. The Gini index for South Carolina, which measures income inequality, is 0.461, which is lower than the national average.

The economy of Hanahan, South Carolina, employs 12,500 people. The three industries with the highest employment in Hanahan, South Carolina, are retail trade (1,394 people), health care & social assistance (1,441 people), and construction (1,212 people). The three industries that pay the highest earnings are information ($63,333), transportation and warehousing ($62,805), and transportation and warehousing, & utilities ($61,250).


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